English Articles 2016
Hints (4 january 2017)
Pigeon racing is also a matter of good observation. Champions see things that others do not see. And pay attention to things that others do not mind. Thus it's always been and it still is.
Take pigeons coming home from a flight. They are a prelude to the following result.
December 2016
Georges Michael was another pop idol that left us too young too soon. One of the many. Aging may actually kill people and it seems to have almost only disadvantages. Almost!
Memories (part 2 of 2) Dec 27th
The first birds that I ever bought was when I was about 30. They were from Joske Smits who was the father in law of Georges van Riel, the son of Jef van Riel from the illustrious partnership Huyskens van Riel.
Memories (part 1 of 2) Dec 21st
"Counting sheep" is probably the oldest sleeping advice on earth.
I did it differently. When I could not sleep in my younger years I counted birds.
New kind of pigeon racing (December 12th).
Voucher from me
Like in previous years I again donated a voucher for the club. The highest bidder will get a young bird bred in 2017 from my loft from my best.
In previous years prices were very high, varying from 2.000 to 16.000 €.
There is a good chance it will be much cheaper this year, since I asked those nice people who were bidding then not to pay such high prices any more.
How to bid?
Go to www.duivenmarktplaats.nl
Click on: ‘Doevepeet duivenveilingen’ in the frame.
Click on: ‘Bekijk hier de lopende veilingen.’ (Enlgish: Look at the auctions).
Click on: Bonnenverkoop P V de Valk Baarle Nassau > Bon 3.
In case you want to bid you can contact Mr Rijnberg: jaap.rijnberg@planet.nl
I thank the people that are interested for the confidence.
Smooth mating
November 29th 2016. It is bitterly cold outside but nevertheless the majority of the fanciers here, especially in Belgium, have mated up their pigeons.
Results Ad Schaerlaeckens in Belgium
A report in the pigeon magazine De Duif translated from Dutch into Enlgish after I won National Argentonz in 2015 below:
It doesn't happen often that the master is not surprised when one of his pigeons wins a 1st provincial or zonal. But that was really the case on Saturday with the race from Argenton.
I prefer the racer (nov 24th)
I cannot help smiling when I hear people talk about the ‘many friends’ they have. Do they know what ‘friends’ are I ask myself then. I do not have many friends, one of them was Klak but he was a REAL friend.
Releasing, training and acclimatising
Pigeons like order, although it doesn't have to be so strict as some think.
The late Nadia Houben for instance, liked unfailing precision.
Once more canker (nov 6th)
In one of my latest articles I wrote about canker, which became a kind of nightmare for very many pigeon fanciers. Vets and scientists even feared we would lose control and lose the fight against resistance.
What a year (Nov 2nd)
What a tumultuous year 2016 was. Especially in that one weekend with hot weather. Temperatures would rise to up to 30 Celsius. Too warm to race pigeons both the NPO in Holland and KBDB in Belgium decided.
Searching for better (oct 23rd)
Autumn is the time that fanciers look to buy pigeons to strengthen their loft, and that is understandable. At that time the strength of the loft is known, and there is a better chance to acquire 'quality'.
October and November (October 19th)
At this time birds are moulting heavily. Many fanciers, amongst whom great champions, keep the pigeons locked up all winter. From September to March.
Enhance chances (october 8th 2016)
It does not often happen that somebody new in this sport becomes a real champion just within a few years. Verkerk however proved that it is possible and to-day there is this 27 year old man in the south of Holland, nearby the Belgian border.