English old Articles
Olympiad news
This year the International Pigeon Olympiad was held in South Africa in January.
National Ace pigeons and National Champions
Every autumn I am visited by importers of pigeons to accompany them and assist them. They are mainly Japanese.
Last fall one of those importers asked me to make some phone calls to fanciers who race long-distance as he wanted to buy birds from them.
The Meulemans story (part two of two)
'Meulemans saw the light'
Pigeonfanciers, especially from the USA and Taiwan like to talk about 'strains' and 'families' when pigeons are the subject.
I am also often asked what 'family of birds' I own when people are interested in my pigeons or see my results.
The Meulemans story (part one of two)
- 'Why is the name of Meulemans so popular?' - 'Why are his birds so expensive?'
- 'I thought he was a seller and not a racer, what's the truth?'
- 'What is the origine of his birds?'
Strains, Names and Eyes
When somebody in Holland or Belgium races outstanding the result is that foreigners who are after good birds get interested in the pigeons of such a man.
About Dutchmen, Belgians and 'The others'
I do not know how many foreign pigeonfanciers have visited me throughout the years but it must be close to a thousand. They came from everywhere including Taiwan but the majority was American, German and Japanese.
Sometimes people wonder how come others can be so fascinated by pigeon sport.
To find an answer you must know this sport and what it involves.