Recent results
Results 2018 and 2017
Release station. Number of prizes that were won/Entry. So from Quievrain (first race) 29 birds were entered (my whole team) and 23 prizes were won. One week later from Noyon the same. And so on.
Quievrain 23/29
Noyon 23/29
Noyon 22/29
Chevrain 10/11
Chevrain 16/18
Chevrain 16/22
Chevrain 10/12
Melun 11/11
Orleans 4/4
Noyon 6/6
Chevrain 5/6
Ecouen 21/24
Ecouen 10/12
Melun 22/24
Chevrain 18-20
Chevrain 9/10
Melun 9/10
Melun 7/7
Melun 4/4
Melun 7/8
Young birds 2018
Melun 6/6
Noyon 17/22
Noyon 21/28
Noyon 15/22
Noyon 16/18
Melun 8/8
Noyon 21/24
Pont 18/24
Races with a prize percentage that other fanciers have only once a year or not even that were normal for us. Fellow fanciers say 'no one else can compare'. With young birds all first championships were won. I also won the over-all championship, before Loft Vercammen.
With yearlings we ended 2nd Over All (behind Vercammen). Since we do not want to keep more than 13 couples we had to get rid of birds that had won more than 30 prizes. Also young birds that had won 8 prizes from 8 races were removed. In other words: Birds that would be top racers in other lofts were not good enough for us.