Articles 2019 English
Louis Stabel and son. All round champions Holland
Unfortunately the future of our sport does not look good. Every year there are fewer fanciers and fewer clubs. And consequently fewer birds in the races.
Lees meer: Louis Stabel and son. All round champions Holland
Interesting (01/07)
When champions from Holland and Belgium open foreign pigeon magazines they are surprised to read about all the medicine and supplements that are promoted.
Update on results (14/6)
In the previous article you could read about my results in 2019. ALL RACES were published and you can see in ALL races the results were super, in fact unbelievable.
JUNE 15th Race from Melun
With yearlings we started with 1st and 6th prize. Again the first to have 4 pigeons.
With old birds a fancier that lives at the short end, 40 kms shorter, we started with 2nd, 9th, 11th, 12th from 614 old birds. Again we were the first to have 4, and even 5, 6, 7, 8 pigeons.
In so/called Oeverkopeling ( Interprovincial) we
Who races better? (3/6)
As most fanciers will know I race in Belgium.
Results have been fantastic every year but 2019 beats all.
The percentage of prizes is unique !! It looked as if we only had good birds. Many fanciers say ‘no one else in Belgium did better.’
The loft, the fancier and the pigeon (17/5)
When someone buys pigeons from a champion you sometimes hear ´you should buy the handler as well.` What do they mean?
Some bragging (May 2nd)
In winter champions in both Holland and Belgium donate voucher. They are auctioned online and the highest bidder can get a young bird for it later in the year. The money is for the club
Again conditioning (April 12)
Do pigeons in Russia and France also listen when the fancier says ‘come come?’ my grandson asked. ' How come your babies trap so well and why do you never show your racers their partners?, a clubmate asked.
That is what they said (4 april)
If you have been racing pigeons and writing about pigeons for nearly half a century it stands to reason that you become familiar with numerous champions of all kinds. And, of course, you hear interesting statements that remain in your memory.
Just like soccer? (March 25th)
Many pigeon fanciers also like soccer. And they also agree that the money that is going on in soccer is just insane. ‘Crazy’ is also my idea about a salary of 300,000 euros
Good and bad, right and wrong (March 8)
I am the last person to claim that I know all about pigeons. But nearly half a century successful racing gives me a right to speak and is a guarantee that it is not all nonsense I will say. That's why I dare give my opinion about a number of themes in our sport.
Tips 2 (19 Febr)
In this article again some advice that might be useful. If there is only one that is of any use, you did not waste your time reading it.
Tips (Febr 8)
In my club I was the first who used the internet, to-day everybody is familiar with it.
Fanciers check when the birds are released on race day, they check the weather, in winter sales of vouchers and more and more they look at the results.
Musings (30 Jan)
- The Dutch champion had had a very good year again. Many good racers and many good breeders? Hmm. ‘Will you not get too many babies?’ I asked him. ‘This maybe a problem indeed’, he said.
Memories from abroad (Jan 8th)
Who has not experienced things in his life that he will never forget?
They may be the craziest things and they differ from one person to the other.