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Lognbook 2008

Doeme (31/12/2008 )

De Belgen kregen gisteren en vandaag hun ringen en wat is er gevloekt. Normaal ringen die hun jongen vrij probleemloos tot een leeftijd van ongeveer 10 dagen maar dat is met deze kleinere ringen uitgesloten. Aan heel wat handen kleefde heel wat bloed. Inmiddels hoor ik uit Nederland ook gejammer, op 31 december hadden diverse clubs de ringen nog niet ontvangen. En de NPO? Die is niet te bereiken. Vakantie!

Holland Belgium (30/12/2008 )



--~---- ~







Sint Job - Noyon - JAARSE duiven



jaarse 1 e getekende



jaarse 1 e en 2e getekende




Cop Gustaaf




Van Gastel en Zoon








Combinatie Maegh-AS




Van Gastel en Zoon




Mertens-De Wolf




Jochems-Van Goubergen








Combinatie Maegh-AS




Cop Gustaaf




Huygen Louis




Jochems-Van Goubergen












jaarse 1e 2e en 3e getekende



jaarse 1 e 2e 3e en 4e getekende




Van Gastel en Zoon




Combinatie Maegh-AS




Combinatie Maegh-AS




Van Gastel en Zoon




Mertens-De Wolf




Mertens-De Wolf




Jochems-Van Goubergen




Jochems-Van Goubergen




Vandyck Corneel




Vandyck Corneel











Algemeen Kampioen JAARSE duiven Sint Job Noyon

                Van Gastel en Zoon                              4 verm. 7 ptn

                apv. Comb.Maegh - Ad Schaerlaekens      4 verm. 10 ptn


Asduif Jaarse Sint Job Noyon

1. Comb. Maegh-Ad Schaerlaekens                                   12                       2. Cop Gustaaf                                                                      11

2.Van Gastel en Zoon                                                                 11

3.Combinatie Maegh - Ad Schaerlaekens                               11

4.Combinatie Maegh - Ad Schaerlaekens                               11


149,22   102,08 121,16 130,23 156,80

    1161009-06 6186103-06 6187035-06 1160949-06 1161020-06


Bad news (22/12/2008 )

Most of the news in 2008 was bad. It is well known how much the sport goes down. The latest news is that the province of Antwerp alone lost nearly 1,000 fanciers in less than 2 years. In Holland there are nearly 100 clubs less than a year before.

Once again Ace Four (06/12/2008 )

In pigeon magazine Spoor one could read that a pigeon called "Johnny Boy" from Geert Munnik is one of the best racers and breeders in the world. As a young bird it was best of Holland, as a yearling 2nd best. It is a descendant of 95-230, a brother of Ace Four. Mr Beute considers Bulldozer from Verkerk as one of the best birds in Holland. It is a son of Bubbles, the name of a hen that Verkerk got from me. Bubbles is mother of 2nd and 3rd National NPO Blois and of several birds that were among the best 10 of Holland. Bubbles is bloodline Ace Four. Before I mentioned F 16 from Jespers v d Wegen, that is the best young bird ever in the Nationals in Belgium. It is a... descendant of Ace Four.  

The best bird in history (23/11/2008 )

Belgian pigeon magazines and leading web sites all agree that a bird called F 16 (08-2036016) raced by Jespers v d Wegen is the best bird in history on the Belgian Nationals.  It won as a baby alone: - NATIONAL Bourges (s) 13,350 p - 20 - NATIONAL Argenton    25,583 p - 6th  (All Belgium) S Nat. 1st - NATIONAL La Souterraine 21,271 p - 7th.  Its sister won NATIONAL BOURGES 31,824 p - 4th. National S 10,321 p - 2nd.  The mother (Fleur) is inbred to 96-145, named Ace Four. 

Result in Belgian loft (22/11/2008 )

The furthest young bird race in Belgium is from Gueret over 600 kms. "Duivenblad" calculated who had the best over all result in the NATIONAL from the WHOLE country with 1st nominated, 1st and 2nd nominated, 1st, 2nd and 3rd nominated and 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th nominated.  My performance (name Comb Maegh A S) was the 6th best of the WHOLE COUNTRY with ALL the great names participating. Some names in the ranking: 1. Louis Keirsmakers. 4. Heremans Ceusters. 6. Comb Maegh A S (Ad Schaerlaeckens) 12. Van Hove Uytterhoeven. 26. Andre Roodhooft. 52. Michel Vanlint. 83. Dirk van Dijck 91. Geerinckx Luc and Bart.    

Pedigree real super (17/11/2008 )

08-1628682 won in Sint Job (fanciers of over 30 clubs in the povince of Antwerp can participate) in one month time: 2, 3, 4 and 7. Regionally it would have won 1, 1, 1, 2. Pedigree of this flying miracle:    

Ban on one loft races (22/10/2008 )

Some political parties want the government to forbid one loft races from now on. The reason is about 1,600 birds died this year in the lofts of the Dutch Open due to PMV and circo virus. This was because pigeons of too many different lofts are gathered they claim. Why organisers of one loft races in other countries do not face this problem remains un known.

Hou toch op (16/10/2008 )

Wat mijn mening is over en waarom ik niet schrijf over de affaire JdR en Sint Vincent en me niet uitlaat over de falende NPO wordt me vaak gevraagd. Heel simpel, zijn mijn zaken niet en heb niet de gegevens om er een mening over te hebben. Wat ik wel weet is dat te veel mensen geilen op ruzie en zich profileren. Raeymakers, Roodhooft, van Mechelen die ik van nabij ken hebben serieuze problemen met hun gezondheid. Willem de Bruyn verloor zijn beste vriend, Luc Houben beide ouders en enige zuster en zo kan ik nog LANG doorgaan. DAT zijn dingen die er in hakken! Duiven en malafide sportgenoten zijn dat niet! 

What a references (13/10/2008 )

Got a mail today from Marcel Outshoven.  In 2003 he got some birds of mine and only 5 years later he became 6th National Champion (All Holland) young birds.  Got a mail from Rumania as well. The Rumanian Star Bebe Chicheanu got some birds of mine that ALL produced provincial winners.  "Unbelievable" he said.  I also got mails that my birds are destroying the races in Hungry and in the Emirates my good friends Omar and Achmed said.   

Verkerk again (09/10/2008 )

Verkerk broke a new record. 8 birds in 15 best National LONG DISTANCE. The 4th National Ace is again a child of Bubbles. Bubbels is that super hen he got from me (line Wounded Knee, Ace Four, Invincible) that produced befor 6th and 8th National Ace and 2nd and 3rd S National NPO from Blois. This bird would have been 1st National ace if it was not beaten by loft mates in some races.  The 7th National Ace is off "Bulldozer, a grnadchild of Bubbles that was 2nd National Ace before. Again an outstanding result of Verkerk and of my birds in other lofts.  

Best ever in Belgium (25/09/2008 )

Both Duivengazet and Duivenblad calculated which was the best young bird in the National Long Distance races in 2008. It turned out to be 08-2036016 raced by Jespers v d Wegen. It won as a baby: - Bourges National z 13,350 p - 20 - Argenton National z 7,422 p - 1st. - Argenton National ALL Belgium 25,583 p - 6 - La Souterraine National ALL Belgium 21,258 p - 7. Its sister (Nathalia) won: - Bourges National z 10,321 p - 2 - Bourges National ALL Belgium 31,824 p - 4. The mother of both birds was bred by me.  She is off 04-2147002, a direct son of Ace Four (mated with sister new Sissi).  Mated hen of 04-2147002 was 04-091 a daughter of 98-162 (Home Alone) that is a son of Ace Four.  04-002 is also father of a bird that won 4 x 1st for Mr Boenders Belgium.   Below the pedigree of mother of best young bird Belgium 2008    

Again Super result (03/09/2008 )

Last Saturday my birds in Belgium performed extremely well again. The weather was hot, headwinds that became stronger and stronger. My location is quite North East, so it couldn"t be worse but even though I had by far best result again in the Fed ZAV (Sint Job) with 7 pigeons at prize 26 (818 p). The week before I lost 1st prize with centimeters, the week therefore I won 28 prizes from 36 birds. In this Fed big shots like Roodhooft, Geerinckx, Dirk van Dijck, Vercammen, van Elsacker, Wouters, Berckmoes, Jochems, Janssen and so on compete.  

What a sensation (25/08/2008 )

This weekend my birds performed extremely well in my loft and at others. - Jespers v d Wegen Belgium has a pigeon from me that they call ?Fleur?: 05-2266436

Fleur is bred of 04-2147002 (off Ace Four) and 04-2147091 (off Home Alone).

Fleur is mother of ?Nathalia?.

?Nathalia? won:

Bourges NATIONAL 31,824 p ? 4th.

Laon 447 p ? 1

Dudelange 237 p ? 1.

In 2008 ?Fleur? gave a bird that is even better: 08-2036016: It won:

Bourges provincial 6,351 p ? 12

Argenton Provincial 3,774 p ? 1

A son of Nathalia won La Souterraine provincial app 3,600 p ? 4.

Jespers destroyed National (ALL Belgium) La Souterraine in 2008.

From app 21,271 birds they won: 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 16.

National 21,271 p ? 4th is Daughter Nathalia.

National 21,271 p ? 6th is brother Nathalia.

National 21,271 p ? 7th from sister Nathalia.

National 21,271 p ? 16th of a cock of mine as well.

Pipa sent out a newsletter that said it was the best result in history.

This result reminds of the best result in history in Holland by Verkerk from National Blois.

He won 2nd, 3rd, and so on.

Both the 2nd and the 3rd S-National NPO are children of Bubbels that he bought from me and that gave other winners and National Aces.

Bubbels is of line Orleansdoffertje, mother Ace Four, Sister Invincible.

- On the same day P v d Merwe won 1st NPO S National Ablis (15,871 p) with descendant Invincible (98-5812191). Its full sister won 2nd Nat NPO Sezanne 21,710 p 2 weeks before.    - J v d Putten won 5th Nat NPO Orleans 5th (line Home Alone). - I myself won Peronne 960 p - 1st and also 2nd from Marne.  

- Hendriks won 1st Prov Sourdan with gr.child Mattens.8,423 p. - Rutgers Dinxperlo won 1st S Nat NPO Morlincourt (24,000 p!!) Line Sissi and Turbo. - Verkerk won from Strombeek 5,328 pigeons 1st. Mother "Bubbels" bred by me.  - Comb de Groot won 1 and 2 from Sint Quentin. National NPO 16,871 p - 7th. The father was bred by me.    

Monden gesnoerd (24/08/2008 )

Belgische monden gesnoerd


Vele Belgen deden schamper toen ze hoorden over de spectaculaire resultaten van Verkerk.

In Nederland kan dat, in Belgie nooit moest ik talloze malen horen.

Wacht maar reageerde ik dan maar kon nooit bevroeden dat mijn gelijk me zo kort op de hielen zat.

Jespers van der Wegen kregen van La Souterraine 5 duiven tegelijk. Dat gold OOK 575 kilometer en die hadden zich OOK los moeten maken van tienduizenden duiven.

Ze winnen 3, 4, 6, 7 en 8 NATIONAAL.

De 4e, 6e, 7e en 8e Nationaal zijn allemaal van de lijn Ace Four! Getalsmatig is dat misschien nog spectaculairder dan wat Verkerk deed.



Today (16/08/2008 )

To-day"s race was real good. From my Belgian loft I entered 36 birds and won 28 prizes, 13 of them on top. (Toury 405 kms). - Mr v d Horst won a car with offspring of a bird of mine. - Falco Ebben, a young and ambitious up coming star who only races few birds, won 1st and 2nd NPO S National Morlincourt from 19,456 pigeons (!!!) with birds that descend from mine; line Orleansdoffertje and Creilman (both off Mattens x Sissi).  - Meanwhile R van Panhuizen won 1st today as well with a bird of the same line.   - Mr Soonius won 4th NPO Creil (18,741 pigeons), both parents are mine.  - Mr Outshoven won 13th NPO from 17,000 p, line 605 and 98-845.  - Mr v d Laar got 4 pigeons of mine. He won Peronne NPO 13,985 p - 3rd,  Blois NPO 5,700 p - 7th, Morlincourt NPO 19,000 p - 4th. - Mr van Heteren also mailed he had a bird that was on tv as an NPO winner today.  - Mr de Groot de Jong won 7th NPO Sint Quentin 18,000 birds. The father was a bird direct from me, line Creilman          

Sorry (16/08/2008 )

It is useless to contact me for pigeons. No birds for sale. Thanks for the confidence anyway.

Ace Four again (15/08/2008 )

As one could read last week Andre Roodhooft won 1st Provincial Bourges (over 6,000 birds) with a super pigeon that won before 1st Melun from over 1.000 birds. The winner descends from 95-230, the borther of Ace Four. Last week the Belgians had their National race from Argenton.  Jespers v d Wegen won 1st National z, 1st Provincial, 6th Over All (25,531 pigeons).  The mother is "Fleur" that is a daughter of 04-2147002 (son Ace Four) mated with 04-2147091, that is a daughter of Home Alone. Home Alone is also a son of Ace Four.  The National winner (z) won 2 weeks before 12th from Bourges (6,351 pigeons) Last year a sister won National Bourges 4th from 31,824 pigeons.  Another sister won 22nd National Argenton (23,078 pigeons), a brother won 1st Provincial Chateauroux and 43rd National Bourges from 32,762 pigeons.  Of the same line he has 6th National Ace Duivenblad.  So all these birds descend from 04-2147002 that is a son of Ace Four. 04-002 gave multiple 1st prize winners for Boenders and others.   The mother is a sister of New Sissi (02-6049376).  On the same day that Jespers won 1st National z Argenton with gr.son 04-002 a direct daughter of 002 (08-706) won 1st prize at my place with a lead of 4 minutes.       

Again 95-230 (31/07/2008 )

Last weekend the BIG race from Bourges took place in Belgium. It was real hard (hot) Andre Roodhooft won 1st Provincial (5,974 p) with a super bird that won also Melun 1,109 p - 1st, Marne 1,279 p - 8th, Quievrain 1,803 p - 18th. The father wears a Dutch band (Co Verbree) and is off 95-230, the brother of Ace Four!  Again!!!     

Unique bird (30/07/2008 )

How many birds in history would have won 2 x 1st National in 2 years" time in the 2 day races?  Frederik Leliaert has such a bird. It won in 2007 1st International Bordeaux and in 2008 1st National Narbonne.  Mother is my blood, much to my own surprise.  

Past weekend (28/07/2008 )

Both Saturday and Sunday very hot weather. We had 4 races. - Marne: 08-982 did it again and won 7th in the Fed (over 30 clubs).  In a month time 08-982 won in the Fed (average over 1,000 birds), 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th.  - From Noyon 9 birds were entered, 8 prizes, 7 leading prizes. - From Creil 35/20 with 7 leading prizes. - From Bourges only import "long distance birds" were raced. Very poor result.   

The press on A S birds (23/07/2008 )

Good news in the pigeon press of last week. - J Storms won 1st in Union Antwerp. It is off twin girls (06-019 and 06-020) that won 5 times 1st and 2nd regional. Line 98-191. - Mr Wolters Almelo had the best bird of Holland in May. It was off 2nd best cock of Holland and 5th National Ace Middle Distance. Partly an A S bird. - Mr v Zelderen won 1st S Nat NPO Tours (app 6,000 p). The father came directly from my loft. Line 95-230. Ace Four - Mr Urk Visster won 1st S Nat NPO Pithiviers (8,520 p). Both parents descend from my loft. Line Turbo 882 and Picanol.  - E v t Horst won 1st Peronne 5,048 p with a half AS bird. - Mr Romviel won Morlincourt 4,121 p - 1st. Bloodline of mine. - Geert Munnik won 1st Pithiviers 3,000 p. A S blood - Mr Berkley Boon won 5,081 p - 1st (A S blood line). - Mr Lavenga won 1st Rayon (app 4,000 p) with a bird that won 2 x 1st Rayon as a baby 7 and 9 minutes ahead. A S blood.  - Meanwhile Verkerk astonished the nation again and destroyed the S Nat race from Argenton. Among the winning birds again the hens that won 7th and 8th NATIONAL Blois (43,000 p!) 2 weeks before, whose mother he bought from me. Line Wounded Knee, Turbo, Orleansdoffertje, mother Ace Four. If Mr Bas Verkerk does not have the best pigeon of Holland bred off my hen it is because it was beaten by his own birds!      

Verkerk (22/07/2008 )

1 tot en met 10 spelen kan niet als er concurrentie is.  Zeggen ze. Op de fond 10 duiven op 2 minuten pakken kan niet. Zeggen ze.  Verkerk kan het dus wel.    Op veler verzoek (echt waar) volgende week een uitgebreid interview waarin vriend Bas Verkerk tekst en uitleg geeft over zijn methodiek in Sportblad De Duif. Don"t miss it.

And again (20/07/2008 )

After the sensational results of yesterday, I won today again 1st, 6th and so on prov Fed of Sint Job 1,377 pigeons. About 100 fanciers participated. Only 7 birds entered, 5 leading prizes!!!

What a coincidence (19/07/2008 )

This week I wrote in magazine De Duif that good pigeons also perform with high speed (tailwinds). Today we had a race from Pithiviers (app 400 kms) with tailwinds and high speed. In Belgium I won in Fed ZAV (over 30 clubs) 2, 3, 4, 13, 16 and so on (34/22). First 3 birds clocked in 3 seconds, only 1 mpm short of a unique result (winning 1, 2, 3 in Fed ZAV), among them first 2 pick birds!!!! First nominated (Nl-08-1628282) is a sensational (Dutch) bird off 06-012 x 06-006 (daughter Ace Four). She won the week before from Orleans 911 p - 4, the week therefore from 1,023 p - 3rd. Regional 3 weeks on a row 1st!  Understandebly Belgians are astonished about results of my Dutch birds.    In my other loft I also won 1st (28/17 from 485 p). 6 Birds arrived together but unfortunately only one trapped and others flew around for several minutes.  This winner is off Invincible (98-191) and Davida 02-376 (sister New Sissi 01-067). About tailwinds my tragedy is that sometimes I am right!       

Result last weekend (15/07/2008 )

While in Germany and in the UK the young bird season has not started yet in Belgium we already race from 450 kms. Last weekend there was a race from Orleans (430 kms). In the Fed of Sint Job I started with 4, 6 and 7. 911 pigeons (14/26).  The provincial race (9,860 birds) was completely dominated by the fore fly (the area around Kessel, Nijlen).  This area is known for good birds but the difference with the rest of the province of Antwerp is astonishing. The good news is that my neighbour Johan Storms won 1st in Union with a bird off mine (same parents as 019 and 020, so a descendant of 191) while my other neighbour (Mr Boenders) got a bird of mine that is a multiple 1st prize winner at Short Distance. It was off 04-002, a son of Ace Four". 

The province of Antwerp. x are early birds from Orleans. By Lars V

Last weekend (06/07/2008 )

Race results of last weekend were real good again: Quievrain: - 31 birds in the race, 22 prizes, The first 3 birds came 2 mpm too short to win 1, 2, 3. - In Combine from 1,140 pigeons 4, 6, 7 and so on. 17 from 31 birds entered won 1:10. - In Fed 7,452 pigeons. At prize 150 I had 12 birds from 31. Then my best opponent had 6 birds but he entered 58 pigeons!! 17 birds from 31 won 1:20 (in first 5%). Melun Belgium 24 prizes from 39 birds. Noyon Belgium 12 prizes from 18 birds.

Meanwhile W de Bruyn and Verkerk destroyed Bourges in their Fed.  De Bruyn clocked 9 pigeons in 1.40 minutes, Verkerk clocked 14 birds in 31 seconds. Would this ever have happened?

Meanwhile in the magazines of this week a lot of vicories with A S birds are mentioned. - Mr Jansma had te 1st Ace of ALL Friesland, first time in history this ever happened in his town. Both parents of this bird, called "Manon" came from my loft. The father is a gr.son of 95-230 (again), the mother is a daughter of Home Alone. - Mr Wolters from Almelo had the 3rd best short distance bird of ALL Holland in the month of May (Verkerk had the best) which was bred of a cock tht came from my loft.  This cock was 5th best National Ace of Holland in 2001 and the 2nd best cock of Holland then. - Mr Verbree won 1st Blois (3,044 p), National NPO it won 7th. Before the same bird also won 6th NPO Bourges from 4.342 p. Both on father"s and on mother"s side it descends from my birds (line Orleansdoffertje).

Great result again (29/06/2008 )

Yesterday the province of Antwerp raced from Pithiviers, about 400 kms. Guess no on did better than my birds. I entered 5 yearlings, 4 of them won a prize in the big Fed of Sint Job.  29 young birds won 19 prizes to start with 3, 9, 16 (1.023 p).  9 birds won nearly in the first 5%!  The bird that won 3rd would have won 1st on most other combines. It is off 06-012 x 06-006 (daughter Ace Four).   Today we had another race from Noyon and again my result was the best in this big Fed against all the big shots. I entered 30 birds and won 19 prizes to start with 2nd from over 1,000 birds.

Crisis (28/06/2008 )

Some time ago I mentioned the enormous amounts of losses of young birds in both Holland and Belgium. Birds get lost from tosses of about 15 kilometres only in nice weather and birds got lost "from the loft". Many fancier got desperate and again many will quit. How serious the situation is is shown by the naked figures. For the first Interprovincial race from Vierzon in Belgium the entry was 13,275 pigeons LESS than in 2007. The tragic thing is that the previous races were pretty normal so that is no excuse.   The first National in Belgium is Bourges. In 2007 the entry was 9,318 LESS than in 2006.

Rampzalig (27/06/2008 )

Rampzalig wat ik de laatste tijd hoor over verliezen met jonge duiven aan huis en van leervluchten, zelfs bij ogenschijnlijk prima weer. Eerder gold dat je jongen verloor bij helder weer en oostenwind. Nu gaan ze kennelijk onder alle omstandigheden verloren. Liefhebbers worden radeloos en stoppen. En geen mens die een antwoord heeft op de vraag "waarom". Vroeger gingen ze vooral verloren in het oosten des lands, nu overal. De voorzitter van Oost Vlaanderen, kennelijk niet gehinderd door verstand of fatsoen meent wel een verklaring te hebben: Hollandse blindlossers. Die zouden dagelijks massaal en illegaal in Vlaanderen lossen. Hoe zielig diens haat tegen al wat Nederland of Nederlands is blijkt uit diens uitspraken in een duivenkrant. Wat een stakkerd en vooral een leugenaar! Volgens hem hebben verenigingen en kringen in Nederland eigen vervoer, lossen die dagelijks klandestien in Vlaanderen en daarom verliest men daar volgens hem massa"s duiven. Die werden begin juni meegesleurd met Nederlandse duiven die daar blind gelost werden en moesten met wind tegen terug. De werkelijkheid is dat het toen dagelijks Noorden of Oostenwind was. Een andere werkelijkheid is dat het vervoer in Nederland niet in handen is van clubs of kringen maar van Afdelingen en NIET EEN  Afdeling die klandestien lost in Vlaanderen.   Hij zegt het op te nemen voor "zijn liefhebbers" maar... "een Hollander blijft een Hollander" beweert de stakkerd.  Hij heeft het recht al wat "Hollands" is te haten maar als voorzitter met een voorbeeldfunctie doe je dat niet in de media. Triest dat de KBDB deze nutteloze blaffende keffer zonder hersens en nog minder beschaving nog serieus neemt ook.         

Die Willem (26/06/2008 )

Willem de Bruyn zocht de laatste jaren met succes versterking in Belgie en degenen die Willem kennen weten dat die ook al eens iets terug doet.  Een zo"n Belg die van Willem duiven kreeg was zo naief te zeggen dat mannen met veel duiven troep hebben. Vanlint weet beter en inmiddels ook Herbots Deno. Die kregen van Willem de NL-07-1821798 een regelrechte sensatie. Die won op een maand tijd. Interprov. Toury 1,233 d. - 1 Toury 1.320 d - 1 (geen dubbeling). Prov. Issoudun 1.791 d - 1 Wat een ongelooflijke klasbak. Een Nederlandse duif Nationale Asduif in Belgie zou wat zijn. 

The Big Race (22/06/2008 )

Yesterday the Biggest race in Holland took place from Blois. It was an easy race which lasted only 20 minutes in some clubs for more than 500 kms. But it was also a fair race with equal chances for everybody. - Father and son Verkerk are not only great champions but also great sportsmen. They were sensational again winning 2, 3, 9, 12 en 14 S-Nat. Afd 5, section. Bas was the first to inform me that he bred his 2nd and 3rd Semi National prize winners off a hen of mine (line Wounded Knee, mother Ace Four, 98-5812191). Champion Willem de Bruyn won 7th Semi National with off spring Mattens Sissi in the same race. Also Willem clocked several very early birds. Leytens won 1st Semi National (z) also with off spring from a Schaerlaeckens bird (Pentium, 2nd World Champion VL. Verbree won 1st from 3,044 pigeons and 7th S-National. The same bird won 6th S-National Bourges earlier.  The father is off "Adida"(from Orleansdoffertje) the mother is off Lammert Leytens that was Olympiad bird and also bred of a bird of Schaerlaeckens.     In ALL these winners against many 1000s of birds is bloodline Sissi-Mattens.  Of the whole country, 67,000 birds, Jos de Ridder won 1st and Verkerk 7 and 8. De Ridder lives in the centre of Holland which shows how fair a race it was. His winner won before a 1st from Morlincourt from 20,920 pigeons. 

Very sad news (18/06/2008 )

The very bad news of today is that world famous photographer Peter van Raamsdonk passed away. We have known each other since our youth and herewith I want to express my  condoleances to his family and wish them much strentgh in these hard days. Antony Bolton, of an older generation, was the first who made making photos his full time profession.  He was from the UK, Peter van Raamsdonk was the first on the continent who made it his living. It was me who introduced him in America through Ganus. People over there liked his photos so much that he often flew to the States where he shot many thousands of birds. But also the late David Lin Yun Ta was impressed and wanted Peter to make photos of pigeons for his magazine and books.  That means something since Chinese are famous for their good photos and all those who have known David know for him the best was not good enough.  Peter was a man who developed himself. Initially he cut his photos pretty much sothat the birds looked skinny but little by little they got better and better till finally most people agreed "Van Raamsdonk is the best".  Of his photos it was said that he made the pigeons even more beautiful than they really were. No wonder the elite of pigeon sport applied to him for photos. Peter loved his family, his pigeons and his dog that he often took with him. Farewell Peter. You are a great loss to the international pigeon sport that owes you so much.   Ad
Peter van Raamsdonk and Maggie Ku, assistant of David Lin Yun Ta          

Another super weekend (11/06/2008 )

Last Saturday the weather was so bad that no birds could be released, not even from 50 kms.  Sunday was nice, bright, warm, strong headwinds. The fastest birds only made appr 1,100 mpm. From my loft in Belgium I participated for 2 races in the Fed of Sint Job. I entered 4 birds for Noyon that won 4 prizes: 1, 6, 7 and 31. Especially in this weather the twins 019 and 020 have often proven hard to be beaten. This time not 020 but her sister 019 won 1st. 06-009, the 1st Ace in the Fed in 2007 won 7th.   3 Of my birds were entered for Pithiviers and again they all won a prize, 2 on top, one import missed. It should be taken into consideration that I race at the greatest distance which is far from ideal in such hard weather and when fanciers of so many towns compete you.  The same day Mr P Sandijk won 1st Chateaudun (420 kms) with an advance of 5 minutes in his Fed with off spring 95-230.

Real bad year (07/06/2008 )

Only know it leaks out how many birds were lost last Saturday. From Limoges the estimated losses are 40% and like always it is especially the good birds that do not make it home. Also the young bird losses are enormous, both from racing, tossing and directly from the loft.  A vet said: I look more like a shrink than a pigeon doctor. What he means is that he has a hard time to encourage people and prevent them from quitting. Only Chateauroux in Flanders was a normal race. My result was poor. I entered 7 birds and the first 4 pick birds (the 4 best) got lost. They were all summer breds of 2007 with little experience. Especially in Belgium many young bird lofts are half empty before the big races come.  The good news is that last week Mr Medze won 1st from Menen (6.668 p) with descendant Ace Fout and super champ Mr v d Horst also won a 1st from 8,283 pigeons with a descendant of my birds.  

Update on race results (17/05/2008 )

Saturday May 10th. The weather was real hot with strong East winds. - 07-1905545 (direct daughter of 95-2067230) won 1st prize. - On the same day Geert Munnik won 1st prize from 3,030 pigeons with child "Johnny Boy" (Nat Ace) that also descends from 95-230. In the first 32 prizes from 3,030 birds were 9 descendants 95-230. - On the same day I entered 5 pigeons in the Fed of Sint Job.  06-020, one of the twins won regional 1st. Provincial 6th.  I entered 5 old birds, they all won a prize in the first half. I entered 9 yearlings that all won a prize as well. So 14 prizes of 14 birds was an unbelievable 100% score. - The week before (May 10th) I won 19 prize from 21 birds (1 per 4), in my Belgian loft the only bird that was not bred by me was the only bird that did not win a prize.        

Incredible (30/04/2008 )

In Belgium I race in what is probably the biggest and is supposed to be the strongest Federation of the country (Sint Job). Only the big shots of over 30 towns participate. The 1st race of 2008 (Noyon April 20th) I won with 06-1161009. This bird was 1st Ace in 2007 and is a daughter of 05-1490772 that was himself the fastest of the whole release in 2007 (appr 10,000 birds) and so were 2 of his brothers. 772 is a son of 95-230 (brother Ace Four). The 2nd race (Noyon April 27th) was also won by my bird. This time the winner was 06-1160928, which is a daughter of 05-1490773, the nestsister of 772!!!!! when mated to her brother!!! Regionally 06-928 had an advance of 7 minutes!!! In nearly all other Feds it would also have won 1st with the same advance!!! The funny thing is that the first 2 races in Belgians strongest Fed were won by birds with a Dutch band!  In East Brabant the fastest bird of some 10,000nds was won by my bird through Henri van Doorn and Peter v d Merwe won 1st against 6,000 birds with descendant of 98-191 (Invincible).  
06-009 won 1st race in Fed in Belgium in 2008
06-928 won 2nd race in Fed in Belgium in 2008.

First race this year (20/04/2008 )

Today the weather was real hard. Bright and a strong Eastern wind. In Belgium my loft is located quite North EAST at the greatest distance but still I won 1st prize in the first race with a daughter of 05-772 that was bred of 230. The winning bird (06-1161009) was 1st Ace in the Fed in 2007. The entry was not high but how strong competition there is can be seen in the result sheet. The first 19 prizes were won by 16 different fanciers! In some Combines in Holland it happens that a fancier wins from 1 to 10 against 2,000 or more birds. In the Fed where I race it is hardly possible to win 1 and 2 against just some 100s of birds.  In Holland I destroyed the first races in previous years, now the start was far from good, though in my combine no one did better on April 27th to start with wnd prize!

Jespers van der Wegen Nederlands (10/04/2008 )

Het grootste concours van Nederland is Orleans. Van de 4 Rayons samen, ruim 37.000 duiven won in 2007 Lindelauf nipt voor een kind uit dochter Home Alone (uit Ace Four) en de 3e snelste van de totale lossing was een nazaat van de 95-230, een broer van Ace Four.  Wonnen 2 nazaten van Ace Four dus 2 en 3 van het grootste concours van Nederland, de 2 snelste duiven van het grootste concours van Belgie (Bourges) zijn ook nazaten Ace Four, gespeeld door Jespers van der Wegen (4 en 15 Nationaal tegen 31.824 duiven).     In De Duif van 9 april kon men lezen dat Jespers van der Wegen DE REVELATIE was van de Belgische duivensport in 2007. Ze kochten in 2005 5 duiven bij Dirk van Dijk en 8 eieren bij mij. Sprookjesachtige uitslagen uit voornamelijk deze kruising waren het resultaat.  De beste van Belgie wordt beweerd.  Het slechte nieuws is dat ik voorouders van de duiven die in Belgie zo ongelooflijk presteren van Pithiviers verloor.  

Jespers van der Wegen (10/04/2008 )

In the leading pigeon magazine De Duif (J Hermans) of April 9th was a very nice report on Jespers van der Wegen.  He is described as the surprise of in Belgium in 2007. Some claim he was the best of the whole country in the National Long distance races for youngsters. Hisd results are sensational indeed.  Momignies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and so on from 960 young birds. NATIONAL BOURGES the best of the country: 4, 15, 26, 31 and so on from no less than 31.824 pigeons. Furthermore: Dudelange: 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on (1.213 p) Momignies: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Dudelange: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 19, 23, 24 and so on. Laon 554 p: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20 and so on. Dudelange 996 p: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 15, 16, 18 and so on. And more of such results.  These super racers mainly descend from 5 babies they bought from Dirk van Dijk and 8 eggs from me.  Two of their superstars are Nathalia and Bliksem. Nathalia won Laon 447 - 1 Dudelange 237 p - 1 Bourges 829 p - 2 Bourges 4,655 p - 2 Bourges S National 10,321 p - 2 Bourges National 31,824 p - 4th ! The mother of Nathalia is bred from 04-2147002 x 04-2147091. 002 is Son of Ace Four x sister New Sissi. He is brother of 04-331 the best hen I have had (lost in the smash from 2007). The mother is 04-2147091 that won 2 first prizes Provincial.  (average 7,000 birds). 091 was bred from "Home Alone" (98-5812162) a son of Ace Four. Bliksem won: 3, 6, 7, 7, 8, 10 and so on.  He won 7th S National Bourges 10,321 p and 15th National Bourges 31,824 p. The mother of Bliksem is descendant of Invincible, 96-5660144 and Creilman. So both the 4th and 15th National Bourges, the greatest race in Belgium (31,824 p) are descendants of Ace Four !! The greatest race in Holland is National Orleans. Of all sections together (37,000 birds!) the 2nd and 3rd prize won by J Merx and F Hendrix were ALSO decendants ACE FOUR!! The 2nd of 37,000 was of a daughter Home Alone. The 3rd of 37,000 was of a daughter 95-230, brother Ace Four.

Die weervoorspellers toch (06/04/2008 )

Voor zaterdag 5 april werd redelijk weer voorspeld, op zondag zou het hard waaien, regenen, hagelen, sneeuwen en ijskoud zijn. "Wat een geluk dat we zaterdag kunnen spelen" dachten velen. Het vervolg? Op zaterdag was het bar en boos. Onze duiven konden er pas om 15.00 uur uit en kwamen in hels weer terecht. Zondagmorgen geen wolkje aan de lucht en (in Belgie) vluchten die perfect verliepen.

Kan gebeuren (01/04/2008 )

Ongewone wedstrijd uit Mettet

De vlucht uit Mettet van 30 maart - oorspronkelijk Chimay - kende een zeer eigenaardig verloop, vooral in de Limburgse mijnstreek. De enorme voorsprong van J+R Tomassen uit Niel-bij-As is nooit vertoond. Tomassen wint aan 1862,35 m/min. voor Bernard Vanloffelt uit Diepenbeek aan 1636,29 m/min. Een verschil van maar liefst 226,06 meter per minuut. De derde duif, van Jozef Wolfs uit Diepenbeek, haalt een snelheid van 1582,44 m/min. En dat is dan weer 280 m/min. minder dan de winnaar. Maar niet alleen in de mijnstreek liggen de kopduiven ver uit elkaar. Ook in het Trudo Verbond doet zich dat voor. Willy Nahon uit Sint-Truiden zegeviert hier aan 1704,90 m/min. voor Roland Vanbrabant uit Binderveld aan 1568,84. Een verschil van 136 meter per minuut. De wedstrijden duren bovendien ongewoon lang voor een korte snelheidsvlucht van rond de 100 kilometer. Heel wat liefhebbers - winnaars en verliezers - piekeren zich suf, maar een sluitende verklaring voor de grote tijdsverschillen en de lange wedstrijdduur (tot 20 minuten) is alsnog niet voorhanden. ------------------- Tot zo ver een krantenartkel over afgelopen weekend. Zich suf piekeren om eea te verklaren? Heel simpel. Vaak schrijf ik dat voorsprongezegs niet ziet bij wind tegen, dan vliegen alle duiven even hoog wat niet het geval is met wind mee en... op verschillende hoogtes kan de wind enorm in kracht verschillen

No start (20/03/2008 )

Two days from now the racing season should start in Belgium, but due to the very cold and rainy weather with headwinds the KBDB (Belgian Homing Union) has banned all races. 

Nu Lehnen aan de beurt (11/03/2008 )

Duivendiefstallen worden al zo gewoon dat men de moeite amper neemt het extra te vermelden. Zoals 50 doden bij een aanslag in Bagdad ook al geen nieuws meer is. Afgelopen weekend werden alle kwekers (ruim 60) gestolen bij Theo Lehnen Duitsland.  Last weekend all breeders (over 60) were stolen from Theo Lehnen Germany. 

Prachtig (11/03/2008 )

Voor een ZEER mooie duivensite verwijzen we graag naar  Een goed en uitgebreid verslag van de zeer geslaagde forumavond in Middelbeers op 8 maart van de hand van Henri Wittens kan men lezen op hun site en ook hier. Zie articles > Dutch > Van duivenvlucht  

Jonge duiven (10/03/2008 )

Voor jonge duivenspecialisten die A S voeren van Teurlings zij vermeld dat het nu de tijd is om over te schakelen van senior op A S Junior. De jongen zullen blanker van vlees worden, meer gaan vliegen, veel minder vatbaar worden voor Adeno/coli en straks beter presteren. Geef ze GEEN vitamines of thee. Wel grit, ook azijn mag. Het is beide goed en goedkoop. 

Another record? (09/03/2008 )

Live room auctions are not finished by the Internet. Today the Aelbrecht colony was sold by Hermans (De Duif) for almost 250,000 euro. For only 38 pigeons this is probably a record. Zaalverkopingen zijn nog niet weggevaagd door Internet. De verkoop van slechts 38 duiven van Aelbrecht door De Duif bracht bijn dan 250.000 euro op. 

WHZB (08/03/2008 )

Voor eindstanden WHZB 2007 zie articles > English.
For the final ranking of the National Championships WHZB 2007 see "articles". Reedijk Jongekrijg had the best loft of Holland, famous Verkerk the best all round pigeon and Leytens Bros the best cock. B Pieper had the best sprint bird in history (it won only first prizes). Its father was bred off my birds.   

Geen zorgen (27/02/2008 )

In deze tijd klagen, zoals elk jaar weer opnieuw, liefhebbers dat hun jongen geen meter vliegen en ze vragen zich af of ze een stel luiwammesen hebben gekweekt dat straks niet in staat is prijs te vliegen. Ik kan ze gerust stellen. Niet vliegen van jonge duiven nu heeft niets te betekenen.  

Doorbraak (19/02/2008 )

Mensen worden wijzer. Zeer interessant artikel voor Nederlandse liefhebbers overgenomen van PCZ.  Zie laatste Nederlands artikel. 

And...? Right again (19/02/2008 )

Last night criminals in vain tried to steal pigeons from Pipa. The name of pipa needs no introduction. Photos of thief on video but very unclear.

And,,,??? again (18/02/2008 )

Last night 8 pigeons were stolen from Ludo Claessens, one of them was "simply the best".  Since the many thefts of this winter had scared him his best breeders were housed elsewhere.   

And.... again! (14/02/2008 )

You won"t believe it but last night 19 pigeons were stolen from Filip Norman, the winner of the latest One million Dollar race. Last Saturday a pigeon was auctioned by J Hermans for no less than 36,000 euro. The buyer was from Hungry, the bird belonged to Mr Kobesen and... was a son of... right "Kliene Dirk".   Are the high prices that people pay for pigeons the reason so many are stolen? It is doubtful since very many real good birds from great champions still can be bought for little money.  

And again (10/02/2008 )

Unbelievable indeed but now about 50 birds were stolen from the team Batenburg v d Merwe. The amount of stolen birds adds up so much that the only conclusion can be that a well organised gang distribute the birds amongst many fanciers. Why do NPO, KBDB or victims not cooperate and offer good money to any one who can offer useful info to identify the thieves? The more thefts, the more people should house stolen birds and the easier it should be to find the criminals.   

I am stupid (05/02/2008 )

Today I was asked again why I do all the work to have this site. The answer is simple: I am stupid. It only cost me money and time and I can sell my birds anyway. A reason maybe that I have the idea it helps novices and... There is Mike Hopman who helps me for very little money or for free in case of problems with my pc or site. Without Mike this site would not exist.   

Al opgevallen? (04/02/2008 )

Momenteel zijn er talloze verkopingen van bons op Internet. Is het U al opgevallen dat je via zo"n site vaak veel goedkoper terecht kan dan bij de liefhebber aan huis? U moet eens op kijken van wat voor grote kampioenen daar bonnen beschikbaar zijn aan betaalbare prijs.

Justice (01/02/2008 )

- Yesterday famous vet HdW had to appear before court for selling medicine that are not registered. The verdict was 3 months on probation, a fine and an additional claim of no less than 750,000 e. Fanciers wonder if this is justice. He has a very good reputation world wide, he works hard and helped numerous fanciers that had health problems with their birds. - The good news is that Leo Heremans (Heremans Ceusters) got back one of his stolen pigeons. The band was taken off and replaced by a clip ring. - Other good news comes from South Africa. Filip Norman who did a lot of good for our sport last year won the One Million Dollar race in S Africa (200,000 e).  Second place was for a man whose birds were stolen: G Koopman (120,000 e).

Never ending misery (28/01/2008 )

And again pigeons stolen. In the ngith fro 26 ro 27 January 44 pigeons were stolen from the Dutch Long distrance star A P Overwater. From Taiwan we heard the sad news that the man who founded South Star loft (Mr Huang Chin Pao) passed away.  South Stour Loft was inhabited by numerous the very expensive National Aces ad winners.

AS in Belgium (27/01/2008 )

In 2006 I started racing in Belgium. Then with young birds only. In the first year already the team won 1st Championship. Not of the club but in combine Sint Job in which fanciers from over 30 clubs can participate. The team that performed so well in 2006 as babies won the 1st Championship in 2007 as old birds. Only 8 hens were raced! Prize percentage appr 80 %!. 3 Of the hens with Dutch bands were classified as 1st, 4th and 5th ace in that big Federation. The 1st Ace is a baby of 05-772 which is a son of my Super pair 95-230 x 01-067. 772 won in april 2007 1st of appr 10,000 birds in my loft.  

Aelbrechts (26/01/2008 )

As mentioned before many super birds of Super Star Aelbrechts were stolen recently.  Since Marcel Aelbrechts could not get over this coward act it is said he sold all his remaining birds to Luc Sioen. Too bad pigeon sport has to go on without Aelbrechts.   

Pedigre Nat. Ace 2006 (25/01/2008 )

The results of the off spring of Ace Four is well known.  I knew John Rockx bred the best pigeon of Holland from 2 pigeons of mine but I did not know their father is a brother to Ace Four. In the pedigree of the NATIONAL Ace you see it is all in it: Orleansdoffertje, mother Ace Four, Wounded Knee, Mattens, Sissi and so on!! To my surprise John came to bring me 2 babies of Holland"s best today! Just to show his gratitude. Some do have the heart at the right place indeed.   
Inbred birds in colour.

The best pigeon of Holland in 2006 was bred of 2 pigeons of mine.

And again (16/01/2008 )

Even the National Public Television stations in both Holland and Belgium paid attentetion to the many thefts of pigeons in their news reels. Last night Martien Ravelingien from Anzegem Belgium was visited by thieves. 25 Yearlings were stolen, none of his top racers or breeders. "This is a proof the thieves are amateurs that know nothing about pigeons" some media claim. Naturally the thieves do not steal themselves but order others. Some years ago some teenagers were caught in the act.  They were paid with drugs!      

Super Site (14/01/2008 )

Er zijn vandaag de dag heel veel "duivensites" en.. veel goede. Maar ik werd aangenaam verrast door: Die springt er uit, echt waar. Snel kijken dus.

Lembeke (11/01/2008 )

Duivensport is stil blijven staan jammeren velen. Te lang gebeurde er te weinig en dat verklaart de achteruitgang. Maar dat geldt duidelijk niet voor iedereen. J Meurysse wees me op de site van het samenspel "Recht en Plicht" in Lembeke.  Wat een prachtwerk leveren mensen daar en wat dienen ze onze sport. Er zijn er die voor minder een onderscheiding kregen.  Nieuwsgierig?  Even googlen en intikken "Recht en Plicht Lembeke". Proficiat mannen!!  Geen wonder dat het spel bij jullie zo bloeit.      

Niet waar (09/01/2008 )

De geruchten dat bij Lous van Loon duiven zijn gestolen berusten niet op waarheid! Gelukkig maar. "Mensen en Duiven" heet mijn rubriek in Sportblad "De Duif". Wat dacht U van "kinderen en honden?" Zie de onschuldige blik van het kind en de hondstrouwe blik van het dier. (met dank aan Kathleen van John).

Spoor duivendiefstallen (06/01/2008 )

Dat ook bij Poortvliet zo"n 100 duiven zijn ontvreemd is bekend. Dat sprake is van een bende lijkt duidelijk. Het aantal gestolen duiven loopt zo op dat er vragen rijzen. Wie kan hier honderden duiven bergen of wil die? Het verre oosten kan men ook vergeten met duiven zonder stamkaart. Verder kregen de getroffenen veel aandacht via internet, liefhebbers uit Oost Europa volgen het duivengebeuren hier op de voet en kennen de groffe prijzen die betaald worden, prijzen die zij zich niet kunnen permitteren.  Bekend is dat de meeste diefstallen worden gepleegd door mensen uit Oost Europa. Het heeft er alle schijn van dat het met duiven niet anders is. Uiteraard past enige omzichtigheid en mogen we ze iet over een kam scheren. Feit is wel dat steeds meer in die richting wijst.  Vooral Koopman is er razend populair, voor diens duiven betalen ze fortuinen en dat hem en... de man die veel Koopmanduiven heeft (Poortvliet) een bezoek werd gebracht lijkt iets te toevallig.

No phone (02/01/2008 )

On my pedigrees and elsewhere you can see my telephone number.  Since my wife nor me could handle the numerous calls any longer it has become impossible to contact us by phone.  We apologise we had to take this measure, but are confident people will understand. 

Weer ellende (02/01/2008 )

Op talloze hokken in de provincie Antwerpen (en niet alleen daar) is sprake van massale sterfte bij pas uitgekomen piepers. Volgens dierenarts Marien zou het gaan om een nieuw virus en een oplossing is vooralsnog niet voorhanden.  

' Ad Schaerlaeckens